6 Statistics that Prove Telemedicine is Reshaping the Future of Healthcare

Validating the potential of telemedicine by examining several promising numbers and statistics.

The forecast for telemedicine has always been based on the broad intentions of creating more convenient and accessible care. For years, that prognosis was widely regarded as a futuristic, yet implausible system. These days, however, that is not necessarily the case, as the arguments against telemedicine continue to dwindle with modern advancements in mobile technology.

“As we move to an outcomes-based model of healthcare provision in the U.S., remote monitoring and telehealth are going to drive an extension of the point of care. We’re seeing physician attitudes really align with policy.”

- James Avallone, Director of Physician Research for Manhattan Research

According to Boardband & Telemedicine; Stats, Data, & Observations, broadband-enabled telemedicine encompasses five key features:

6 Statistics that Prove Telemedicine ...

  • Real-time remote patient consultations
  • Remote monitoring of patients’ vital signs and conditions
  • The storing and forwarding of critical health information for analysis and diagnosis (e.g. MRI results and EHRs
  • The provision of specialized services over long distances (e.g. teledentistry, telepharmacy, telepsychiatry, and mHealth)
  • The wide availability of health information to patients and caregivers

With the variety of services that can be incorporated into a system of care, it’s no surprise that so many healthcare providers are now looking to offer telemedicine. If you’re still not convinced that telemedicine is reshaping the future of healthcare, take a look at these statistics:

89% of healthcare executives said they expect telemedicine to transform the U.S. healthcare system in the next decade.

  • Source: iHealthBeat

The global telemedicine market is expected to grow from $11.6 billion in 2011 to $27.3 billion in 2016.

Worldwide revenue for telehealth devices and services is expected to reach $4.5 billion in 2018, up from $440.6 million in 2013

The number of patients using telehealth services will grow to 7 million in 2018, up from 350,000 in 2013.

Telemedicine could potentially deliver more than $6 billion a year in healthcare savings to U.S. companies.

  • Source: Towers Watson

The percentage of healthcare employers offering telemedicine is expected to increase by 68% by next year, from 22% in 2014 to 37% in 2015.

  • Source: Towers Watson

Traditionally, healthcare providers have been hesitant to integrate telemedicine into their practice due to a reluctance to rely on technology, lack of funds and eagerness to train employees on new material, and concern that technological defects will result in malpractice suits. In this day and age, however, technological enhancements can justify the elimination of those fears. Telemedicine’s infusion into our healthcare system is imminent; it has transformed into a service that will revolutionize the way we are able to provide for patients – in a manner more convenient and accessible than ever before.

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