How Long Does it Take to Get Your Online PALS Certification?

If you’re debating whether to take an in-person or online PALS course, understanding the time constraints of both options should be a major factor in your decision. Continue reading to see how online PALS courses can help to save you time while still providing you with your certification.

One of the biggest advantages of completing your PALS certification requirements online as opposed to in-person is the amount of time you will save. A traditional in-person Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) certification or recertification course can take two full days to complete. In addition, the courses oftentimes need to be booked weeks in advance.

Fortunately, you can trim those time constraints significantly by taking your PALS course online--bypassing the classroom in favor of your own computer, tablet, or mobile phone.

How Long Does it Take to Get Your PALS Certification Online?

When it comes to obtaining your PALS certification or recertification, eMedCert is here to help you save time. As previously mentioned, in-person PALS courses can take several days and require you to commute to and from the place where the course is being held.

This can be extremely difficult for busy professionals. Taking the time out of your schedule to complete your PALS certification in-person may not be a realistic possibility.

In addition, even if you do have the time to complete your PALS training in person, that doesn’t mean that it’s an ideal option. It may be necessary to take time off work or be away from your family, so it can be very helpful to come up with another option.

This is why online PALS courses exist. They work to save you time (and money) by allowing you the freedom to obtain your PALS certification from the comfort of your own home on your own schedule.

In particular, at eMedCert, our PALS certification and recertification courses can be completed in as little as two hours. In addition, if you need to take a break during your PALS training, you can feel free to do so and come back again when you’re ready. We don’t include any time restrictions when it comes to completing your online certification.

Furthermore, unlike most in-person PALS courses, with eMedCert, you have unlimited exam retakes available to you. Note that in order to obtain your PALS certification or recertification, you must pass a final exam. However, when taking your course online with eMedCert, you can take your final exams as many times as necessary until you achieve a passing grade.

What Are the Time Benefits of Online PALS Training?

Opting to take an online PALS course eliminates many of the time-consuming elements that cause an in-person course to take so long. In particular, there are several points that help to show how beneficial taking your PALS course online can be:

  • First, you don’t need to find a time in your busy schedule where you can squeeze in a two-day PALS course. You can work your online PALS course around your schedule, not the other way around.
  • With an online PALS course, you don’t have to move at a specific pace that is already set before you even begin the course. Rather, you can set the pace yourself. You can start and stop your training as you see fit and return to your course whenever you want.
  • Additionally, an online PALS course allows you to take your final exam whenever you’re ready. You don’t need to rush into taking your exam or do it when you feel unprepared. In addition, if you don’t pass your exam on the first try, you can take it again whenever you can fit it into your schedule.
  • Finally, it’s not necessary for you to wait weeks after registering to start your course. Many in-person courses have a waiting period between sign-up and when the course actually begins. However, doing your PALS training online allows you the freedom to begin your course immediately after signing up. This can be a huge advantage if you need to receive your certification or recertification quickly for work. Read more about how to find the best online PALS course for you.

How Long Does it Take to Get Your Onl...

How Much Time Should I Expect to Spend on My PALS (Re)Certification With eMedCert?

While completing your PALS course online is undoubtedly quicker than a classroom-based course, it is still somewhat difficult to give a specific answer to exactly how long our online PALS certification or recertification courses will take to complete. At eMedCert, we see a variety of completion times. In fact, this variety is an intentional result of our courses being entirely self-guided with no time restrictions whatsoever.

However, there are several determining factors when it comes to how long it will take to complete your online course. The most influential of which is familiarity with the material. If you have completed your PALS certification in the past and are seeking recertification, your prior knowledge will likely help you cut down on some time

We have some customers on the upper-end of the spectrum and some on the lower-end. The vast majority fall somewhere in the middle, which allows us to provide the following estimates of how long it will take you to complete one of the following courses:

PALS Certification

  • 3-4 hours

PALS Recertification

  • 1-2 hours

Again, though it is essentially entirely up to you how long you want to spend on your online PALS certification. Remember that you can begin and end your training as you see fit, and you can work around your own schedule to complete your certification in the easiest way possible.


In short, an online PALS course takes control out of someone else’s hands and puts it into your own. Many people find that having the freedom to work at their own pace actually makes them more successful when it comes to absorbing information, so taking your PALS course online at your own pace can be very beneficial.

Obviously, those individuals who already know the material well can expect a lower completion time. However, regardless of your prior expertise, you’ll be saving yourself a plethora of time by taking your PALS course online.

If you are ready to move forward with one of our online PALS courses, select one of the buttons below. In addition, you can answer more of your PALS-related questions by visiting our website or reaching out to us.

Sign up for your PALS online course TODAY!

PALS Certification - $169

PALS Recertification - $119